Interesting👍😂. Did you ever get around to looking into the difference between life beginning at “conception” verses “implantation?” Because like I said earlier, a lot of people justify hormonal birth control by believing that life begins at the actual implantation of the fetus into the uterus, instead of when the sperm and egg initially join (which is conception). So I’m probably just asking you when you TRULY believe that life begins. Or perhaps I’m asking you to clarify your definition of conception. Any thoughts, Colton?

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Well, I would agree with your definition of conception there and would say that life begins at conception (and not implantation). This means that I believe that essentially all forms of abortion (at any time during pregnancy) are wrong. Is that what you are asking, Constance?

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That’s exactly what I was asking. Thanks.

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Most pro choice people I know hold to the bodily autonomy argument, which makes the argument about personhood completely irrelevant. Granting a fetus the right to use a woman's body to sustain itself is not only a violation of the woman's human rights, it also grants the fetus special rights that we don't give to anyone else.

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Okay, well, if the fetus is a person, then it would be wrong to kill it. It’s not the woman’s body, they would say, it’s the “baby’s” body, even if it is dependent on another. This is where the violinist argument comes in

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